Recently (December 2019) has a new functionality, namely forcing a time zone in the PDF. What's up with that? 

If you open your e-mail in your e-mail program such as Outlook, Gmail, Thunderbird, etc., this program automatically adjusts the time of your time zone (for example, Europe/Amsterdam). This is useful, because then you know when the e-mail was sent or received. 

If you then save an e-mail as an eml file and then have it converted by, PDFen determines the time zone as it is stored in the e-mail (eml). If you save the e-mail with an e-mail program in the Netherlands, the 'Europe/Amsterdam' time zone will probably be in the eml. Nothing wrong so far. 

But what if you get saved e-mail (eml) files that are saved with a different time zone and you want to convert them to PDF? Then after conversion there will be the time in the time zone with which the e-mail is stored. Often this is not desirable and you want to change the current time zone in the PDF... recently has made this possible! 

This is very simple: 

  • Login with your account (or create an account)
  • Go to your preferences and choose: 
    • "Eml correction by time zone" = "Yes"
    • Now you can set the time zone at "Desired time zone"
  • Go to e-mail to PDF and convert! 

If you now upload eml files at and convert to PDF, you will see that the time is in the specified time zone. 

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us!