Convert your ZIP-files easily to loose PDF file(s)
Do you have ZIP-files in multiple folders which you want to have converted to PDF? Then is PDFen the solution! PDFen gives you the opportunity to convert your ZIP-file to loose PDF file(s).
- Upload your zip file*
- Choose "Convert"
- Download your zip file
The new zip file contains all your documents converted to separate PDF files.
*As a free user you can upload a zip file with max 5 files, with a free account you can convert max 10 files.
Get started right away and upload your zip file!

More options?
- More than 5 files at once
- ... and more!
Then get a free account

Why are ZIP files useful?
ZIP files have a number of benefits. First of all, a ZIP file could consist out of different kind of file types and that is why different files and folders could be merged in one compressed folder ( a ZIP file). Besides a ZIP file takes up less space than every loose file added together. This could be very handy, for example, if you want to send more folders and files together it is really handy if you use a ZIP file.
Convert files in folders to PDF - Keep the structure
By creating a zip file of one or more (sub) folders you can convert your all files with a single action. PDFen keeps the folder structure after converting, so you do not loose this folder information.
How to create a ZIP file?
A ZIP file is really easy to make. You only need to select different folders and files, click on the right mouse button and then choose the option 'copy to compressed file'. Your ZIP file will be saved as a folder in the same map that you are in.
We respect your files
At PDFen your files will always be threated safe and secure.
Do you have questions about how to create a ZIP file, how to convert a ZIP file to a pdf-file, or about another service that we offer you? Then please contact us and we would love to help you! Do you want to save your ZIP file as a PDF/A file, click on 'more options' and then select PDF/A or you can upload your ZIP file by digital archiving.