Convert your digital archive so it will be searchable and ready for long-term preservation
Are the scans or files in your archive difficult to find? Or isn't it searchable or are you afraid that in a couple of years your archive isn't easy to open anymore?
Then the solution is to convert your archive to a PDF/A archive with text recognition(ocr)! With this archive, you make sure that you are still able to open your archive in a couple of years and that your scans or files are easily to find because of text recognition! Do you want to know more about PDF/A? Please read more about this in the article: Save it as PDF/A, or throw it away!
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Correct converting your archive to PDF/A
PDFen makes sure that they convert your files to a PDF or PDF/A file at the right way. Even when you convert many files at the same time! By PDFen we always make sure that we do our best with giving you the service that you expect from us! In short, with this bulk conversion we make sure that we convert your files secured to PDF or PDF/A files. More information about how we deal with security please read the article: Safe and secure.
Make your scans and pictures searchable with text recognition (OCR)
Pictures and scans are most of the time 'pictures' that are not searchable, while most of the time these 'pictures' contain very useful information to use now or later. So it would be very helpful when you could find the text in these pictures and scans. By using the text recognition function of PDFen, you could scan the text of these 'pictures' and PDFen will add the text to the PDF. In this way, you could easily find these scans and pictures by their text with your search functions (e.g. Windows)
Do you want more information about what PDFen can offer your organisation? Or do you have questions about converting a lot of files at once? Please contact us and we would like to help you!